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Purple Moment

We are one with the universe.
Look to the moon and stars to find the answers.
The earth we live on. Inseparable from the power of duality. The sun and the moon. Generation of positive and negative electrodes. is the root of everything. It is also the beginning of everything. It is the core of astrology and divination, and also the most fundamental element of Feng Shui layout.
The question is what is the relationship between duality and our destiny...?

Eight Elements
The gossip in the Book of Changes is the root of metaphysics. The eight powers cooperate with each other. can have different effects. It is also the eight most important elements in Feng Shui layout.
When we use it properly, we can increase our strength. Coupled with the enlightenment of the stars, the magnetic field can be improved.
and improve quality of life.

十二個月| 十二時辰 |十二生肖 | 十二星座
木星圍繞太陽一周12年時間。地球圍繞太陽一周12個月。 人體有12經脈。占星學來說不是巧合。 宇宙運行有它的軌跡和法則。 影響着在身處地球的人們。人們的性情行為。 月圓的時候, 對人們的影響也是這樣。

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